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Rapala Shadow Rap Fat Jack TRL
14.99 €  12.65 €
Рыбалка | Удилища | Banax | Feeder
Banax Xclusive Medium Heavy Feeder

These rods are ideal for tackling hard-fighting barbel and carp in still and flowing water. They can also be used for eel fishing. Despite their enormous power, they still have the sensitivity needed to handle smaller fish as well. The high reset torque of the blank makes long precise casting effortless. They come with three sensitive carbon feeder tips in sizes 2oz, 3oz and 4oz.
Артикул Длина m Вес g Кол-во секций Забрасываемый вес g 
MEGA FEEDER 360MH 100-190GR 3.60 m245 g3+3100-190 g
72.00 €
MEGA FEEDER 390MH 100-190GR 3.90 m258 g3+3100-190 g
79.00 €