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Storm Hit Shad SH
7.50 €  5.50 €
Рыбалка | Колеблющиеся Блесны | Blue Fox | Lucius Weedless
Blue Fox Lucius Weedless S

Irregular and responsive with a kicking action and weedless design.
Weedless Design
• available in three weedless confi gurations:
• 20 g with a fi xed single hook
• 26 g with a fi xed double hook
• 36 g with a loose double hook
Oval Line Hole
• Gives the spoon a unique, irregular action
Sharp Edge
• Super responsive, quick kicking action
• Metallic plated and painted fi nishes
Three sizes
• Custom combinations of weight, size and hook
design for perfect weedless function
Артикул Длина Вес 
BFWFD26S 85 mm26 g
9.95 €