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Rapala WH Jigging Rap STGS
8.95 €
Рыбалка | Мягкие Приманки | Geecrack | Dumbbell Worm
Geecrack Dumbbell Worm 283

Twin arms attract on the fall! When falling, the arms extending on both sides of the lure flap around as if to wick the water, creating a wave action. Lift and fall, bottom bump, and fine pitch shaking action are all recommended to attract the lure. When the lure is shaken, vibration is transmitted from the center of the hook position to both sides of the lure, causing the twin arms to shake, appealing to fish in the vicinity. Downshot rigs and jig head wackies are recommended for rigging!
Артикул Длина Вес Шт/Упак 
DUMBBELL WORM 2.8inch 283 7 cm / 2.8 inch8 pcs
6.80 €