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Рыбалка | Воблеры | Megabass | Ixi Shad Type 3
Megabass Ixi Shad Type 3 Wild Craw

This next-generation shad made bass pro Katsutaka Imae exclaim “we’ve got something amazing here!” The TYPE-3 features the greatest maximum depth of the series with its ability to trace a depth of 3.0m, but it can also perform exceptionally up to the 1.2m range. The design minimizes snags in the shallows and makes repeated hard contact with structures possible. Yuki Ito’s shad engineering has realized Katsutaka Imae’s “forward falling theory” at an extremely high level with this ultimate versatile shad featuring dazzling ultra-high pitch roll action.
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IXI SHAD TYPE-3 WILD CRAW 1.5-2.3 m5.7 cm7.0 g
23.45 €