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Rapala Rap-V Blade CBN
11.95 €  9.70 €
Рыбалка | Удилища | Palms
Palms Shore Gun Evolv Spining Rods

Easy to use and sensitive tool for work from the shore . This stick is designed for very long casting , allowing the angler to realize its style. The forms of SHORE GUN EVOLV are carefully selected in order to allow for a maximum casting and perfect curve bending . Distant casting is accomplished through the use of drivers FUJI & ldquo; K-guide & rdquo; and Premium EVA of the handle.
Артикул Длина m Вес g Кол-во секций Забрасываемый вес g 
SFSGS-103H+ 10 ft. 3 inc265 g2 pc20-70 g
305.00 €
SFSGS-103MH 10 ft. 3 inc220 g2 pc15-50 g
279.00 €
SFSGS-106M+ 10 ft. 6 inc213 g2 pc10-45 g
279.00 €
SFSGS-112M+ 11 ft. 2 inc235 g2 pc10-45 g
295.00 €