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Storm Split Tail Seeker Shad BPS
10.95 €
Рыбалка | Мягкие Приманки | Pontoon-21 | Ratta
Pontoon-21 Ratta 420

Ratta has interesting feature, and this is its tail design: at moving in the water, Ratta tail rises upon the main body line and vibrates actively, relaying rolling action to the whole lure’s body. Having special outer and inner construction features, Ratta is equally effective with any kinds of rigs. Active and attractive – these two main features of Ratta design being combined with unique features of “long-life” Gumexim, “gleamy coloring” Rincoal, “true-to-life” SFT induce fish to attack Ratta more expressive than really alive bait ever can!
Артикул Размер Шт/Упак 
RAT 3 1/4 420 8.3 cm / 3 1/4 inch7 pc
3.90 €