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Storm R.I.P. Seeker Jerk RFSH
11.90 €  10.95 €
Рыбалка | Балансиры | Rapala | Jigging Shadow Rap
Rapala Jigging Shadow Rap BSR

Following in the footsteps of the original Rapala® Jigging Rap®, the much lighter Jigging Shadow Rap® features a slower darting action. Designed for vertical jigging, the broader silhouette, modern internal metallic finishes and belly-flashing action are ideal for targeting large wary fish, whether they are suspended or close to the bottom. DurablePlasticBody • Leadfree • Sinking • SlowDartingAction • DesignedforPerch&Zander • VMC®BlackNickelHooks
Артикул Глубина Длина Вес 
JSDR07BSR Variable7 cm13 g
9.95 €
JSDR09BSR Variable9 cm17 g
12.95 €