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Рыбалка | Катушки | Shimano | Низкопрофильные Мультипликаторы
Shimano SLX DC

The SLX DC is designed for effortless casting – in any condition. The DC braking system means: this reel has ‘brains’. The DC system calculates 1000 times per second what the right braking force is, in order to prevent backlash and at the same time optimizing the distance and accuracy of the cast. It makes fishing with a baitcasting reel very easy and effortless. No need to change the settings of the reel when the weather or lure changes: the DC system will do this for you. This results for more efficient fishing time and focus for the angler.
Артикул Вес Перед. Число Емкость Шпули mm/m 
259.95 €
259.95 €
259.95 €
259.95 €
SLXDC150 215 g6,3:10.33-100
219.95 €
SLXDC151 215 g6,3:10.33-100
219.95 €
SLXDC151HG 215 g7,2:10.33-100
219.95 €
SLXDC151XG 215 g8,2:10.33-100
219.95 €