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Rapala Shad Rap PEHL
13.99 €  11.80 €
Рыбалка | Мягкие Приманки | Storm | R.I.P. T-Bone
Storm R.I.P. T-Bone OHE

30% less weight than a soft bait of equivalent size Body collapses when attacked, exposing the hooks for a better hook up rate than any other simlarly-sized shad T shape stabilizes the lure even at high speed retrieves Features 3D pectoral fins and a textured full-body rib pattern which create vibrations underwater Available unrigged or rigged with R.I.P. MDS System
Артикул Длина Вес Шт/Упак Крючек 
RTBN07OHE 18 cm42 g1 pcw/o
9.95 €   8.95 €
RTBNRP07OHE 18 cm42 g1 pcHook 2 x 2/0
11.90 €   10.95 €
RTBN09OHE 23 cm85 g1 pcw/o
14.90 €