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Rapala CountDown Elite GDOK
14.99 €  12.65 €
Рыбалка | Мягкие Приманки | Storm | WildEye Swim Shad
Storm WildEye Swim Shad SD

Tough, yet soft outer body, to give it the feel that matches the life-like swimming action. Internal weights for ideal swimming action and long casting. Paired with a variety of colors and patterns with holographic swimmin’ flash foil for added visibility. I-Bolt holographic WildEye®. Fish don’t stand a chance. 9" model features two superior VMC® needle point hooks. Full spectrum colors & patterns Secure I-Bolt holographic WildEye® Life-like swimming action Holographic swimmin' flash foil Tough, yet soft outer body Weighted internally, for ideal swimming action
Артикул Длина Вес Шт/Упак 
WSS03SD 8 cm10 g3 pc
6.95 €   5.95 €