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DUO Metal Garage Plate Jig PHA0094
11.95 €
Рыбалка | Монолеска | Sufix
Sufix Invisiline Leader Fluorocarbon Clear

 Sufix Invisiline® is a premium quality and high integrity leader material. It is made from 100% fluorocarbon which offers incredible abrasion resistance and shock absorption.Due to its light refraction properties it is virtually invisible in water and sinks four times faster than standard nylon line. Invisiline® has incredibly low stretch and is highly durable making it the perfect choice for the most demanding fishing situations.Three spool options available - 10 m spools are interconnecting leader dispenser spools.
 Premium quality and high integrity leader material
Made from 100% fluorocarbon
Low stretch, durable, abrasion-resistant
Sinking and virtually invisible in water
Артикул Размер/Диам Тест Длина 
SILP79C25 0.79 mm36.2 kg25 m
24.99 €   21.10 €
SILP106C12 1.06 mm60.8 kg12 m
24.99 €   21.10 €
SILP117C10 1.17 mm79.9 kg10 m
24.99 €   21.10 €