Williams Dartee ORAN Orange

The Williams Dartee dates back to the 1940’s. In its
original form or in the new modern day version, the
Dartee has been producing for anglers for over 75 years.
Well known for trout and salmon, this versatile spoon
is most often used in a trolling presentation but is also
popular as a jigging spoon, especially on the ice. Lake
trout, salmon, rainbows and browns all find the Dartee
difficult to resist. We also receive many comments
from anglers targeting walleye with the Dartee, a great
baitfish imitation.
The Dartee incorporates the advantages of Williams
genuine silver finishes for flash and visibility, popular and effective colour accents and its unique design which allows the Dartee to work well at a variety of speeds, imparting a “darting” action which predators cannot resist.