Shopping cart: Total number of items : 0
Amount : 0.00 €
How to order?
 We offer the following ways how you can order the goods from this web shop:
• Online through our web shop by registering and doing the order
By ordering goods online you will be able to add goods into your shopping basket amend the order and see the costs as well as indicate your delivery address and preferred way of payment. The detailed instruction of online shopping please see bellow.
• Sending your order by e-mail to address
If you prefer to send your order by e-mail, you have to write the name of required goods, its article number, quantity and showed price as well as your name and contact phone number. In case if delivery by post or courier is required, you must show also your delivery address together with ZIP code.
After receiving your order, we will contact you to confirm it and agree the details of payment and delivery.

Online shopping steps
Step 1. Choosing the goods
Choose the goods in the catalogue show the required quantity and add them into your online shopping cart by clicking “Buy”. The system will add your goods into your cart automatically, but you will have chance to see and correct your shopping cart before submit your order.
To continue the shopping, click “Continue”, but in case if have finished your shopping, click “Shopping cart”.
Step 2: Shopping cart
Into “Shopping Cart” you are able to correct needed quantity or delete some positions. When all is correct, click “Submit the order”
Step 3: Information about buyer
If you are new client, we kindly request you to register by clicking “Registration” but if you have registered already, please authorize and click “Login”.
In case if you would like to buy without registration, please fill all information that is requested in the form.
Step 4: The way of receiving the goods or delivery
Choose and mark the way of receiving the goods – by post, boy courier (the packing and sending expenses to be added according to the post or courier fees) or receiving the goods in our office.
Step 5: Payment
Choose and mark the way of payment. If you like to pay by PayPal, please mark any of choices and add in comments that you would like to pay by PayPal.
Step 6: Comments
Write any additional important information that would be useful for us to service your order.
Confirm and click “Submit order”.
Step 7: Sending the order
Check all information and make sure there is all necessary information. Check your list of the order and make sure there is all that you wanted to buy in our web shop. To confirm it, click “Submit order”.

Congratulations, your order has been sent!
Thank you for your order!

Additional information: