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Storm Split Tail Seeker Shad BCG
10.95 €
Рыбалка | Удилища | Banax | Feeder
Banax Xclusive Heavy Feeder

Designed for fishing with heavy feeder baskets, these rods guide the baskets precisely to their target without excessive effort and regardless of distance. The powerful backbone allows even extra-feisty fish to be guided securely out of the current and into the net. Provided with three sensitive carbon feeder tips in 3oz, 4oz and 5oz.
Артикул Длина m Вес g Кол-во секций Забрасываемый вес g 
MEGA FEEDER 360H 150-220GR 3.60 m255 g3+3150-220 g
65.00 €
MEGA FEEDER 390H 150-220GR 3.90 m264 g3+3150-220 g
79.00 €
MEGA FEEDER 420H 150-220GR 4.20 m298 g3+3150-220 g
79.00 €