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Pontoon-21 Awaruna Dun 3310 Violet Blue Pepper Pearl Belly
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Рыбалка | Jig | DUO Jig | Press Bait Saira
DUO Press Bait Saira ADA0150

A jig minnow mimicking thin bait-fish The Press Bait Saira is a slim and long-bodied jig minnow created to mimic the thin, long bait-fish sought by Tuna and other large migratory fish species. It has a unique body design, with sufficient strength and weight for use with heavy tackle. This lure has allowed new tactics for anglers fishing on or offshore. *A very small quantity of water tends to seep into the body through the internal wire system of this product. Please rinse thoroughly in water after each use.
Артикул Глубина Длина Вес 
PRESS BAIT SAIRA ADA0150 Variable17.5 cm50 g
21.25 €