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Рыбалка | Воблеры | DUO | Realis Vibration Apex Tune
DUO Realis Vibration Apex Tune CCC3276

Apex Tune means Pro Performance! Fine-tuned by bass angling pro Aaron Martens, the Apex Tune embodies years of bass angling expertise of an angling legend. The Apex Tune is a big bite lure in a smaller package. It has a signature swim action with a soft deflection and a descent rate that gives it the desired reverberation and quaver. The line eye has been moved back, thus lifting the running posture making the lure more snag-free. Available in two sizes, the Apex Tune is a pro angler’s essential tool for the game!
Артикул Глубина Длина Вес 
REALIS VIBRATION 68 APEX TUNE CCC3276 Sinking6.8 cm14.3 g
14.00 €