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Storm R.I.P. T-Bone BAO
9.95 €  8.95 €
Рыбалка | Мягкие Приманки | Geecrack | Bellows Gill
Geecrack Bellows Gill 286

Gill-shaped version of the Bellows series.Bellows Gill displaces a lot of water to attract fish. It's body is ribbed from head to tail and the ribs give the bait a natural feel once the fish grab on.They move more water and create more waves from water displacement and provide natural life-like action. Geecrack original S.A.F material is used in making BELLOW GILL.The scent and taste of the material will cause the fish to hold the lure in its mouth longer.
Артикул Длина Вес Шт/Упак 
BELLOWS GILL 2inch 286 5 cm / 2 inch8 pcs
8.90 €