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Pontoon-21 Awaruna Dun 2307 Tomato Light Chartreuse TR Pearl
4.85 €
Рыбалка | Воблеры | Rapala | CountDown
Rapala CountDown CHL

Sinking at a consistent rate of one foot per second, the CountDown® allows you to easily target specific depths repeatedly. Whether the fish are suspended, at the weed tops or holding on bottom structure, the CountDown® can get you to them consistently. Trolled or cast, this weighted balsa lure swims with a slow-rolling Rapala action. Outfitted with VMC® black nickel hooks, each lure is hand-tuned and tank-tested to swim perfectly right out of the box. Balsa Construction Ideal for Casting Custom Swimming Action Controlled Depth Sinking Rate Large Size Range VMC Black Nickel Hooks Hand Tuned & Tank Tested
Артикул Глубина Длина Вес 
CD05CHL 0.9-1.8 m5 cm5 g
11.99 €   10.10 €
CD07CHL 1.5-2.4 m7 cm8 g
11.99 €   10.10 €