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Pierre Cardin Cateryn Носки
3.00 €
Рыбалка | Воблеры | Rapala | Flat Rap
Rapala Flat Rap BAP

Built of balsa with a slow-rising response on retrieve pause, the Flat Rap® swims with a hard-flashing modification of the classic Rapala® "wounded-minnow" action. The triangle lip assists in creating the unique, quicker flashing action while deflecting off obstacles in its way. Sticky sharp VMC® black nickel hooks. Hand-tuned and tank-tested to ensure it embodies the action Rapala® is known for. Balsa Wood Construction Flat Sided Hard Flashing Action Triangle Lip Enhances Action Long-Casting Design Slow-Rising VMC® Black Nickel Hooks Hand Tuned & Tank Tested
Артикул Глубина Длина Вес 
FLR08BAP 0.6-1.2 m8 cm7 g
12.99 €   10.95 €