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Storm Hit Shad OPE
7.50 €  5.50 €
Рыбалка | Воблеры | Rapala | Scatter Rap Tail Dancer
Rapala Scatter Rap Tail Dancer GTU

A combination of the wide, tail-kicking action of the legendary Tail Dancer® and the escaping minnow action created by the Scatter Lip® creates a strong, evasive, erratic action no predator can resist. Designed for searching fish in deeper water either by trolling or casting
Classic Tail Dancer balsa body design
Built with Scatter Lip
Evasive Scatter Rap® action mimics escaping baitfish
Irregular, responsive action
Wide tail-kicking action
Internal rattle mechanism
VMC® Black Nickel hooks
Артикул Глубина Длина Вес 
SCRTD09GTU 3.3-5.7 m9 cm13 g
14.99 €   12.65 €