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Рыбалка | Воблеры | Rapala | X-Rap CountDown
Rapala X-Rap CountDown PEL

Now anglers can fish the Xtreme Attitude of the X-Rap® at any depth consistently. Rapala introduced the effective "CountDown®" method back in the 60s. Since its introduction, the technique has enabled fishermen to consistently reach suspended fish at any depth. The X-Rap CountDown models swim with a strong rolling action on the retrieve and flutter on the pause. Flat sides create a hard flash. Uniform construction processes ensure consistent sink rate for repeatable depth presentation. Consistent Depth Control Strong Rolling Action Flutter Action on Drop X-Style Finish Black Nickel VMC® Hooks Hand-Tuned & Tank-Tested Technique: Casting and Trolling
Артикул Глубина Длина Вес 
XRCD07PEL 0.9-1.5 m7 cm10 g
14.99 €   12.65 €