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Storm R.I.P. T-Bone RFSH
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Рыбалка | Воблеры | Rapala | X-Rap Otus
Rapala X-Rap Otus ROR

A formidable creature, the X-Rap® Otus, combines Rapala’s fish-catching X-Rap® construction with a beautifully color matched curl tail to create a seamless hybrid bait. With its slow sink rate and wide wafting tail, X-Rap® Otus is the ideal choice for cold water & challenging conditions. The body rolls side-to-side as the enormous curl tail pulses behind when retrieved. When paused, the tail acts as a parachute, stabilizing the lure as it slowly swims into the depths. The soft tail is firmly secured to the body with a 6-point stainless plate. Spare tail included. Fitted with VMC® Coastal Black hooks. ABS Body with Soft PVC Tail 6-Point Stainless Plate Tail Locking System Wafting Curl Tail with Body Roll Large Predator Gamefish VMC® Coastal Black™ Treble Hooks Spare Tail Included
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XROU25ROR 0.5-1 m25 cm90 g
21.99 €   16.50 €