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Rapala CountDown Elite GDMN
14.99 €  12.65 €
Рыбалка | Воблеры | Rapala | X-Rap Spinbait
Rapala X-Rap Spinbait P

Designed for subtle sub-surface presentation, the Rapala® X-Rap® Spinbait’s counter-rotating propellers emit sonic vibrations while seductive body roll creates moderate flash from the internal plating. Weighted heavy for long, precise casts to allow a stealthy approach from afar. Medium sink rate makes targeting a specific depth a strike zone easy. Fluttering action on the drop adds another dimension to the presentation.
Артикул Глубина Длина Вес 
XRSPB11P 11 cm18 g
14.95 €   12.95 €