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Рыбалка | Воблеры | Rapala | X-Rap SubWalk
Rapala X-Rap SubWalk PEL

Swimming just below the surface, Walk-The-Dog anglers can use this incredibly effective technique anytime, anywhere. Chop, wind, even rough water can't stop the X-Rap SubWalk. Unique lateral tail fin adds extra glide to action. Subsurface Walk-the-Dog Action Unique Lateral Tail Fin X-Rap® Finish Internal Holographic Foil Internal Rattle System Slow-Sinking on Pause 3D Holographic Eyes VMC® SureSet® Flash Feather Teaser Tail VMC® Black Nickel Belly Hook
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XRSB15PEL 0.3-1.2 m15 cm58 g
16.95 €   14.65 €