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Рыбалка | Мягкие Приманки | Storm | Ultra Shad
Strom Ultra Shad RCW

The Ultra Shad produces an extreme rolling action with a high frequency vibration to attract fish from great distances. Designed to sink fast and get to the fishing action quick, the slim-line design of the Ultra Shad is ideal for strong current conditions. Each Ultra Shad comes packaged with 1 jig head and 3 body tails.
Extreme rolling action to entice strikes even from the most finicky fish
High frequency vibration attracts fish from a distance
Fast sink rate helps to reach the bottom quickly
Excellent swimming action even in strong current conditions
Use: Spinning/casting, vertical jigging
Артикул Длина Вес Шт/Упак 
SJSD55RCW 15 cm50 g1 head / 3 bodies
8.50 €   7.50 €
SJSD65RCW 17 cm80 g1 head / 3 bodies
9.95 €   8.95 €