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Base Deck 80 Буксируемый Баллон
219.00 €
Рыбалка | Монолеска | Sufix
Sufix Superior Leader Clear

 Sufix Superior is a state-of-the-art 100% copolymer monofilament leader line. It offers outstanding linear strength, knot strength and high abrasion resistance.A subtle amount of stretch allows for excellent setting of hooks, but still enough to act as a 'shock absorber' during those crucial moments of the fight when the fish is under the rod tip.
 100% copolymer monofilament leader line
Excellent strength to diameter ratio
Highly abrasion-resistant
Thin diameter
Артикул Размер/Диам Тест Длина 
DS1OF120024A9U 1.20 mm68 kg100 m
21.99 €   18.55 €
DS1OF180024A9U 1.80 mm182 kg100 m
30.79 €   26.00 €