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Bassday Pellet Pellet 138
5.50 €
Fishing | Lures | DUO | Moab
DUO Moab GJA0101

Mother of all baits Breaking previous conceptual boundaries, the MOAB was created in search for a ‘productive lure’ for all species: Seabass, Flounder, Flat-Head, Trout, Largemouth Bass, etc. It captivates minnow eaters in various environments. The slim, floating 120F is a model which covers the surf, rivers, lakes and rocks. SWIM BALANCE A magnet secures the main moving weight, giving a consistent swimming action. This swim balance is suited for not only strong rip currents but also fast flowing river currents that home to Trout. ACTION CHARACTERISTICS Its action comprises of a tight ‘Wobble & Rolling’ action, with emphasis on ‘Rolling’. The lure is designed to catch the water positively, giving a slightly deeper swimming range and creating a definite feel for the angler while transmitting important information about the current. CIRCUIT BOARD LIP Using circuit board material for the lip has dramatically increased its strength. With a lip that is much less likely to break, the angler can pursue a much more aggressive approach.
Art. No Running Depth Body Lenght Weight 
MOAB 120F GJA0101 0.6-1 m12 cm13 g
19.35 €