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Pontoon-21 Awaruna Dun 2309 Chartreuse Milk Carrot Belly
4.85 €
Fishing | Lures | DUO | Realis Shad
DUO Realis Shad ADA4013

SR Shallow running shad with distinct action This is the true versatile shad to capture the shallow 1m range. Its modulate dive/pause and the ever changing darting and panic action produced by the anglers rod work will be like a fleeing weak baitfish. The magnet attacked moving weight system produces outstanding casting distance. This lure will not only be great for land based anglers but also boat anglers throughout the year. With a great command and diverse action, anglers will be able to capture the shallow area. It is not only productive during high pressure and low temperature seasons, but also great throughout the year appealing and inducing bites from the bass with its diverse action patterns. MR This is a highly responsive shad type lure to provoke a bite. The highly responsive suspending type shad exhibits its true potential in high pressure fields and low water temperature conditions where they are inactive. We have incorported a magnet securing moving weight system. This has stabalized its flight during casting, giving the lure great distance while the smooth transfer of the weight attaching to the magnet creats an efficient action response. The distinct dive and pause created by the lure will produce you bass in what ever field condition or season. DR Wide and deep. The long awaited Deep Range model is ready for launch! It has a stress-free quick diving motion with a consistent castability. The lure is responsive to various retrieval speeds and rod work. The Realis Shad 62DR will increase the width and depth you need to cover.
Art. No Running Depth Body Lenght Weight 
REALIS SHAD 59MR SP ADA4013 1.0-2.0 m5.9 cm4.7 g
13.55 €
REALIS SHAD 62DR ADA4013 1.5-2.0 m5.9 cm6 g
13.55 €