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Pierre Cardin Allison Socks
3.00 €
Fishing | Lures | ima | Miniel
ima Miniel Blue plating
An all-purpose dirt plug for light games with 3-axis appeal. The wide-moving dirt action is effective. Even with light rod operation, the bait runs away and is firmly produced. It is difficult to make fish thread due to a good micro-vibration that swims. The Miniel 35 is a simple winding and micro-wave vibration. When you add a rod action, it is easy to dirt left and right. If you raise and lower it more slowly, lift & fall. With this one, you can move in the three-axis direction of forward and forth, up and down, left and right, and can be adjusted to all situations. It is an all-purpose lure that supports not only small blue fish such as plating and horse mackerel, but also rockfish such as grouper and grouper.
Art. No Running Depth Body Lenght Weight 
Miniel 35 ME35-012 0.5 m3.5 cm3.8 g
12.70 €