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DUO Realis Vibration Apex Tune CCC3069
14.00 €
Fishing | Lures | ZipBaits | ZBL Popper Tiny
ZipBaits ZBL Popper Tiny 866

This tiny popper has great splashing and diving ability. ZBL Popper is a top water plug that was dedicated to Seabass and Black Fin Bream asmain targets. Try by using slow and careful rod work as this model has little floating power. With such actions, ZBL Popper splashes, emits popping sound and dives. Tiny may also be used with a walk-the-dog action like a Pencil Bait.
Art. No Running Depth Body Lenght Weight 
ZBL Popper TINY 866 TopWater4.8 cm3.7 g
9.20 €